Sunday, March 7, 2010


Ok so this blog is really going to be all about the stuff that I just love and now I have another, right along with Anthony and the pups, Philosophy body wash/bubble bath - Be Somebody! The smell of it, green tea, reminds me of when me friend Morgan and I took a road trip down to St. George. It is so crazy how different scents remind you of different past times. Well back to the body wash...I take the hottest and longest showers ever! Anthony can't stand how hot my showers are, I just love them! So now that I have my new amazing body wash, I don't think I will EVER be able to say that I'm going to take a "quick shower".

Sunday, February 28, 2010

My new hobby!

So I love cupcakes! There are many different cupcake stores that i visit often, wait, that isn't a good thing! Anyway, they are all so adorable and really make me happy! I really think Anthony is going to start getting sick of all the cupcakes I'm making but practice makes perfect! My goal is to one day open my own cupcake store...hopefully sooner than later! So look out...if there is a holiday or birthday coming up, I'm pretty sure cupcakes will be involved!

Our wedding, basically famous!

Ok so maybe not famous, but hey we're in a magazine! Each year Utah Bride and Groom Magazine publishes one magazine and feature some of Utah's weddings from that year...and ours made the cut! Our photographer, Pepper, and wedding planner, Colby, submitted some of our pictures to the magazine and they decided to use them! We were so excited to see ourselves in the magazine, we bought about 6 copies! Now a lot of our friends and family are seeing the magazine and calling us each time to see if we knew about it. I didn't really know how popular the magazine was until now! And its not just the girls, nope, a lot of the guys we know have seen it, and of course its because they're girlfriend/fiance had the magazine, I mean why would THEY have it right guys?!?!? Anyway, check it out! We have a page in the back of the book...last the best of all the game :o)

Monday, February 22, 2010

The tiny ones!!

Ok so it isn't just me and Anthony, nope, we share our house with two tiny ones...Cheri and Max! I first got Cheri in October of 2005 and Max in August of 2007. It was always just me and the puppies, than Anthony came along...Max wasn't too thrilled about the idea of having another boy in the house but Cheri LOVED IT!! Cheri is our little drama queen, she throws fits when she doesn't get a treat or when Max has a chew bone. Oh yea and she gets her nails painted :o) Max is just my little tiny man! He doesn't leave my side for anything, he is my little shadow. These two puppies are my itsie bitsie loves and I couldn't imagine life without them!!

Us and our beautiful wedding!!

So we had a blog but I decided to change the name since I can't get enough of Keeping Up With the Kardashians so give it your all to Keeping Up With the Jensen's!! ! So where do I begin? Well Anthony and I were married on June 13, 2009 at beautiful La Caille. We shared the day with such special friends and family and it honestly was the most beautiful day of our lives and we will never ever forget it. We basically had the "dream team" for the wedding, well that is what we called them. Pepper, Colby, Leonne, Sean, Mary, Rachel, Eli, and Joe made the day even more amazing than we could have ever imagined!!!!

Ok so the cake and the decorations were almost my favorite part of the wedding, my fav is having married my best friend...but the rest came in a close second :o)

We again just want to thank everyone that was apart of our special day. Having everyone there to share our marriage made us realize how lucky we are. Love you all!!