Thursday, July 28, 2011

Kennidi turns 8 months!!

Wow, where the heck has time gone? It feels just like yesterday that we were just bringing our baby girl home from the hospital and she is already 8 months tomorrow! Kennidi is such a smart little girl! She is waving, saying Momma, attempting to crawl, and wanting to feed herself. She loves bath time (and what kid wouldn't with all the silly bath toys she has), her puppies, her Mommy and Daddy, rolling all over the place, shopping with Mommy and Grammy and did I mention all her toys? Our living room, as well as my parents, looks like a baby showroom for all the newest toys/swings/activity centers.

Today Kennidi and I went to lunch with Melaina, Amy and Emmy and had a fabulous time catching up! Seeing Amy's little angel brought me back to when Kennidi was that little, wait, was she EVER that little? Ok she must've been! Seeing her now, growing up so fast makes me kind of sad. Where did my little tiny tike go? Ok, she is still my little tiny tike, she is just getting so big and really becoming a little person with her own wonderful personality (you can see my personality in out world, now there's two of us!!)

I can't imaging life without my princess and we are so lucky that she is such a happy little baby! We are so excited to see what the future holds for us and so happy that Kennidi is apart of our lives!!